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menstrual bleeding造句

"menstrual bleeding"是什么意思  
  • On the other hand , the highest intensity smells , corresponding to the lowest attractiveness for men , were found during the time of menstrual bleeding
  • In addition to the most common large amount of menstrual bleeding , and other symptoms long time , if no significant incentives in frequency , nocturia more or constipation , also want to check whether suffering from fibroids
  • Dr hiramalini seshadri , senior consultant , holistic internal medicine & rheumatology , apollo hospitals , chennai , lists the common symptoms of hypothyroidism : weight gain , swelling of feet , puffy face , sluggishness , constipation , excessie menstrual bleeding , dry skin , hair loss , depression , poor memory and intolerance to cold
  • It's difficult to see menstrual bleeding in a sentence. 用menstrual bleeding造句挺难的
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